La Fe Brevas - Figs in Heavy Syrup 28oz - 3 Jars - Colombianas

Product image 1La Fe Brevas - Figs in Heavy Syrup 28oz -  3 Jars - Colombianas
Product image 2La Fe Brevas - Figs in Heavy Syrup 28oz -  3 Jars - Colombianas

Regular price $35.95 Sale price $45.94

La Fe Brevas - Figs in Heavy Syrup - Colombianas

But La Fe Brevas fig syrup are not just about tradition; they are also packed with modern nutritional benefits. These figs are a powerhouse of essential vitamins and minerals, including potassium, calcium, and iron. Rich in antioxidants and high in fiber, they support heart health, digestion, and overall well-being, making them a perfect choice for health-conscious consumers who want to indulge in a little taste of the past while nourishing their bodies.

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